Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ajith Kumar - Thala - Helps Cancer Patient

There have been number of accounts in which Thala Ajith has been credited with helping many who seek his help at desperate times. Recently, we had reported about one such incident where the Yennai Arindhaal actor presented a wheel chair to a differently abled person.

Now, the latest that's been doing the rounds in many social media platforms is about the actor's generosity that saved the life of a cancer stricken girl, three years ago.
It is said that Ajith handed over 25 lakh rupees to the little girl's father when he came to know about her condition and her father's poverty, which had landed him in the soup, as he was unable to bear his child's medical expenses.

Since Ajith is someone who doesn't believe in advertising and spreading the word about his good deeds, this news never made it to headlines back then, it is said.

It remained a secret until recently before the girl's father decided to speak up about the incident. It is said that the person who received the sum of 25 lakh rupees is now well placed and should Ajith say yes, he is even ready to give up his entire fortune by transferring them to Ajith's name.

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