Monday, October 13, 2014

Pomegranate And its Health Benefits

1. Powerful Antioxidant:
Pomegranate is the most powerful
antioxidant of all fruits. And you know what
antioxidants do? They eliminate the much
harmful free radicals from our body.
Antioxidants also play an extremely vital role
in boosting immunity.
Also, pomegranate is known to have 3 times
the antioxidants present in red wine or green
2. Strengthens Hair:
Hair fall is a common problem plaguing
many in the world today. Drinking
pomegranate juice strengthens hair follicles
and also makes your hair thick and healthy.
3. Treats Acne:
Hormonal imbalance is what causes acne,
and pomegranates are what cure them. This
magic fruit corrects the digestive issues in
the body and also improves blood
In addition to this, pomegranate plays a
major role in tissue generation in areas
affected due to acne.
4. Improves Skin Health:
Pomegranate has high concentration of iron,
which aids in the transportation of oxygen.
The oxygen that is carried to the skin makes
it more radiant and younger.
A cotton ball dipped into pomegranate juice
and rubbed over the face works as a great
toner. It helps reduce the spots and
blemishes on the skin.
Pomegranate also helps in skin regeneration
and plays a vital role in removing dead skin.
5. Good For Your Heart:
This is one of the most important benefits of
pomegranates. Drinking a glass of
pomegranate juice everyday increases blood
flow thereby decreasing the pressure on
Blood clots can be fatal to the heart.
Pomegranate reduces this clotting property
in the blood. The seeds also increase the
oxygen levels in the heart.

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