Monday, October 13, 2014

Mulla Tale..

A Sufi story about Mullah Nasruddin reveals the
definition of fate.
A man once approached Mulla Nasruddin with
a question, “What is fate?"
Mullah Nasruddin said, “Mere assumptions"
The man intrigued, asked, “Assumptions?!"
Mullah Nasruddin explained, “When you assume
things are going to do well and when they do
not, you term it as 'bad luck'. You assume that
things are not going to turn out to be good and
when they actually do, you call it good luck.
When you are deliberating as to whether
acertain thing is going to happen or not,
unsure of the future you say that the future is
unknow. When things happen unexpectedly
against you, you call it fate!"
Things are the way they are, but the mind is

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